歷經近三年疫情衝擊,瀚生醫電今年隨團國科會首次於德國MEDICA展設立國家智慧醫療主題館(Taiwan Smart Health Pavilion) ,統合來自國科會及三大科學園區的新創、企業、醫院等產學研能量參展,讓臺灣與瀚生醫電的優秀技術、產品、與微陣列生物晶片方案被世界看見。
The Taiwan Smart Health Pavilion opened on November 14, German time. Shieh Jhy-wey, Taiwan's representative to Germany, was invited to the grand opening of the pavilion to express his support for the NSTC delegation team. Other representatives included MEDICA, and the Europe-Taiwan Biotech Association (ETBA) also visited Taiwan Smart Health Pavilion with lots of wishes.