SpinScan 微陣列掃描儀
雙波長 532 nm和 635 nm
單波長 532 nm或 635 nm
多晶片讀取 - 一次讀取六片晶片。
快速掃描 <4 分鐘/晶片 @10 um 解析度。
ISO 13485/GMP 認證製造
靈敏度 <0.2 (螢光子/µm^2)
解析度 2-40 µm
延伸動態範圍(XDR):擴展到 10^6
Caduceus SpinScan microarray scanner system coupled with two software
BioScan Control
Automatic control of scanner system
Friendly interface (GUI)
Fool-proofing features
for scanning
process control
BioImage Analyzer
2 color mode
Adjustable of contract and brightness
Resizable arrays of blocks and feature-indicators
Dynamical translation/rotation/tilting of blocks and feature-indicators
Automatically align of feature-indicators with features
Computing intensities of feature and background, intensity ratios, and SNR
Automatically calculate and display histogram and scatter (M-A) plot
for image and data analysis
Caduceus SpinScan 微陣列掃描儀系統與兩個軟件相結合
BioScan Control
For scanning
process control
Automatic control of scanner system.
User-friendly interface (GUI).
Foolproof features.
BioImage Analyzer
2-color mode
Adjustable contrast/brightness
Resizable arrays of blocks/indicators
Dynamic translation/rotation/tilting
Automatic alignment of indicators
Compute feature/background intensities, ratios, SNR
Auto-calculate/display histograms and scatter plots (M-A)